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The wait is over, Issue 3 is finally here! Here's what you'll find inside...



  • The Cover Star - Tammy Marx, Munchkins Miniature Shetland Rescue founder, talks about how the charity began, the hard work and dedication that goes into rehabilitating and managing their ponies and their exciting plans for the future, all in hopes of continuing to provide their rescues with the very best care achievable. 


Guest Articles:

  • Veterinary surgeon, Dr Lily Wilson, shares her perspective on track systems and equine health whilst discussing domestication hot spots and the four deep roots to equine health and wellbeing.
  • Alyson Sharpe of PB Paddock Paradise Livery opens up about the pressure of having a flawless track system.
  • Michèle Rhéaume of Wakita Equine discusses the importance of sleep in our horses, the different types of sleeping patterns and the influencing factors to quality sleep in part 1 of 2.
  • Regular writer Sue Dawson of Calm Healthy Horses UK is back with another segment to her series 'Making Mini Tracks Rock' with the joys of summer.
  • Phoebe Parkinson, KMT Rural Chartered Surveyor, shares how your could be getting paid for your track system in the UK.
  • Toma Harper of the popular new track system themed podcast 'Track Talk' answers all the must-know questions of how Track Talk came to be.
  • When Roxy suddenly became unwell with crippling neurological symptoms, Hooves On Track discovered the answer to 'can horses be healthy on a hay only diet?'
  • One brave move across the sea changed Joanne Robins' life when she took the plunge and opened Esprit Libre Équin, a track livery in France. 



  • Enrichment Makes - easy enrichment ideas for your own track system.
  • Julian's Top Tips - a handyman's advice on maintaining your track, from one trackie to another.
  • Tracks from around the World - a look at track systems from across the globe.
  • Track Hacks - our track 'must haves' for you and your horse.
  • Healing Hooves - a look at healing horses' progress on track.


... and more! 


To my fellow trackies or trackies-to-be, Happy Trackin' everyone.




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Issue 3


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